Thursday, 1 January 2009

The Abortion Danger (Bahaya Aborsi)

According to Worl Health Organization (WHO) in middle of 2008, about 2.5 million the woman in Indonesia carried out the abortion, and 60% were among them carried out by means of that was not safe. The abortion was compatible with Indonesian regulations No. 23 in 1992 concerning the health, and the M.U.I. Fatwa no. in 2005. The Abortion risk:

  1. The bleeding
  2. The serious infection around the content (pregnancy)
  3. the Uterus break/torn
  4. Cancer breast
  5. the mother's Cancer egg neck
  6. Cancer uterus
  7. cancer heart
  8. The complication take the form of placenta previa when the position placenta lower than uterus Pregnancy outside kandungan the inflammation Infection endomorphism
Indonesian: survey badan ksehatan dunia WHO di oertengahan 2008, skitar 2.5jt perempuan di Indonesia melakukan aborsi, dan 60% diantaranya dilakukan dengan cara yang tidak aman. Aborsi bertentangan dengan Undang-undang No 23 tahun 1992 mengenai kesehatan, dan Fatwa MUI no. tahun 2005.
  • Resiko Akibat Aborsi:
  1. Pendarahan
  2. infeksi serius di sekitar kandungan
  3. Rahim sobek
  4. Kanker payudara
  5. Kanker indung telur
  6. Kanker leher rahim
  7. kanker hati
  8. komplikasi berupa placenta previa ketika posisi placenta lebih bawah dari rahim
  9. Kehamilan diluar kandungan
  10. Infeksi radang pinggul
  11. endometriosis

1 komentar:

Anonymous said...

Thats Great..
Ok, thanks Mate..

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