- Producer : Gonzales Byass, Jerez de la Frontera
- Category : Sherry
- Sub-Category : Fino
- Alcohol Content : 15% Vol
- Glass For Service: Sherry Glass
Tio Pepe Is a sherry. Sherry defins itself as white wine, (mainly
from the palomino grape). Strengthened with adding Spanish brandy (up to 18%) and
matured by the so-called (Solera System).
The maturation process for sherry takes part in open
“bodegas so that young wine is enriched by sufficient oxygen. The Solera system means wine the same kind but different age
is stored one above each other in oak wood barrels. In the bottom row the
oldest wine matures, above a younger wine and so on, on top the youngest of the
wines. Each year a third is taken from the bottom barrels of the top row
barrels and refilled by a third of the consecutive barrels above until the
barrel of the top row is refilled with
new wine
Sherry wines from the same grape variety can develop
differen although they had the same conditions. The solera system achieves equal lasting quality and taste. Fino Sherry is a stramineus to lightgolden wine from
Andalusia, slightly dry with lightly sourness.
Serve Tio Pepe is
always chilled
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